Creativity Technology Community


Who is Aleta and what are these Works?

Aleta May Johansen is a writer, photographer and educator.  In addition to her own work she helps other creative people find their footing online (or as she likes to say “in the inter-nest”).

Helping Creative People Find their Footing Online

(I shall now stop referring to myself in the third person!)

Artists and entrepreneurs are people with passions.  Often those passions do not include spending time figuring out how to use software and websites and social media (oh my!).

I am here to help!*

I can assist you in setting up a presence on Facebook or Twitter.  I can help you start a blog, or a web site, or both and manage those over time.  I can help you connect these tools so that you do not have to spend hours creating updates rather than creating art or poems or the next great gadget! Interested in teaching an online course?  I can help you with that too.  Would you like to sell your wares through existing online marketplaces like Etsy, EBay or CafePress?  I can help you find the tool that is right for you.

*I am NOT a programmer. I’ll tell you if what you need is beyond me.

My Own Work

I have been embracing my photographer self lately. Taking, and even more so editing, photos of the world around me has become almost a spiritual practice, a form of meditation, for me over the past several months. You can see some of the results on my Flickr page.

I sell some of the results of this work in my online shops on Etsy, Zazzle and CafePress. There is a lot more to come in this line. Stay tuned!

I am involved in The Night Garden Project. This is a great project dreamed up by a group of friends (aka fiends) who really exemplify what an online community can be. There is a Night Garden Zazzle Shop as well. Proceeds from that shop go to Great Lakes Bengal Rescue.

I expect to one day finish at least one novel.  In the mean time here is a link to my short story published in Crossed Genres magazine.

I have Many Ideas that are screaming to be made manifest. I’ll update here as they do!